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B&W fron view pic outside of me with sage burning in front of face - open mouth smile - a


Feeling like the Meatloaf song

"all revved up with no place to go"?

Your vision board is glorious, you've wallpapered the house with affirmations, and you're religiously writing out gratitudes, BUT ...

You still haven't landed the dream job, house, partner, or LIFE?


Without a Mindset Shift, vision boards are pretty pictures, affirmations are empty words, and gratitudes ... platitudes


It's what I call the Toxic Positivity Trap​




Been there

Done that


Probably even have the "No bad vibes"

T-shirt around here someplace

But not to Worry - I've GOT YOU
AND ... I have a map now

Before you mix your next gin & tonic, give up on your dreams entirely, and believe the naysayers



You CAN follow your heart & do "that thing" you're wanting to do, once you have the required real-life, practical, and IMMEDIATE tools & strategies for bridging the gap between where you're at, and where you want to BE! 


You can become a Self-Confident A.C.E 

Aware Creative Explorer

(You can stop dreaming of dropping off the kids, and never coming back now)


"... a great coach inspires you to not just see this compelling future as possible but that you’re capable of making it real. One way they can do this is by recommending a roadmap that takes you from where you are now to where you want to be. When you visualize your future with enough detail and emotion, the brain experiences it as real and finds a way to make it happen" – Tony Robbins



Bicycle Tire

Where do I start?

Where all your guru idols left off - that's where!


Together, we take all that you've written in endless journals, and break it down into bite-sized action steps ...


Closing what Bob Proctor calls the "knowing - doing" gap!


Using my Mind Mastery AUDIT

Mind Mastery AUDIT Graphic with acronym - the KNOWING stage.jpg
Mind Mastery AUDIT Graphic with acronym - the DOING stage.jpg

Where the rubber meets the roadYa' Ready?

Practice Areas

Body Health

I don't recognize myself anymore and I feel like I've tried everything



Sick & tired of feeling


Mental Health

STOP with the toxic positivity

and give me some REAL help

I want a practical solution



Frustrated with platitudes, and being told to feel Grateful all the time!

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