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A rebel WITH a cause - that pretty much sums it up for who I AM - AND who I have ALWAYS been, as a matter of fact! Except now it's not a teenage rebellion for the sake of being 'difficult' - NOW, I believe I have good reason to rebel.


We've been lied to for FAR too long about what's deemed acceptable, what is right, or what's "expected" of us, just because we got certain grades, were raised a certain way, or lived in a certain part of the world - BS to all of that, and "what the neighbors might think". It's time to be done with all of that ... it's SO 50's - lol


I live on an acreage with the love of my life - a 2nd marriage for both of us

We have 4 grown man-boys between us, and 10 (count 'em, 10!!!) grandkids

I've turned into "that crazy chicken" lady you've all heard people talking about, and am JUST CRAZY ENOUGH to think that a country mouse, tomboy farm kid like me an make a difference in the world.


Because way back in 2003, when I got the proverbial "golden handshake" from my corporate job (where I thought I'd retire) and was told that my "position was redundant" (the official line of the day), I thought I'd have to go into a witness protection program to avoid the embarrassment & ridicule that was most certainly headed my way - but guess what? IT NEVER CAME!


In FACT, I soon realized that they'd given me the greatest gift I could have hoped for, even though it didn't feel like it right away. Since that time I've taken training to become a Health Care Aide, a Registered Massage Therapist and NOW ...

both an accredited Life Coach AND what's called an emotional freedom coach as well. BooYA ...


TIP for all naysayers - Never (I mean NEVER) tell someone as stubborn as me that they can't do something

B&W pic outside with book on my chest on blanket - LOVE this picture.jpg

It was pretty soon into both of my last trainings that I realized there were some common themes running rampant among people in my particular age demographic (mid 50's for anyone wanting to know - I'm a Centennial baby)


The common belief was that "our" cohort of peers believed that we should settle for a modest income,  be happy if we didn't need a knee or hip replacement until we were at least 60, and were able to enjoy a brief vacation once a year.


OMG ... I don't know about you, but that's not what I dreamed of as a kid, so once again the rebel in me has vowed to exorcise toxic beliefs like these from as many of my peers as possible - and now that I KNOW that the key to changing our lives, is through changing our mindset I'm deadset on a mission to do so!


To the thoughts rambling around in your head ...


NO - this is NOT as good as it gets

NO - this is NOT the finish line now that everything that you thought you knew, has turned completely on its head &

YES - you CAN upgrade your mind's operating system - It's just like fixing the bugs & glitches in an APP on your iPhone really. I can show you how and I intend to, now that the rebel in me has been re-awakened!

Colour pic outside reading on blanket looking up to the side - looking quite relaxed.jpg


Because I Value ...



I’m a paragraph. Double click me or click Edit Text, it's easy.

I will always share with you, that I believe Self-Mastery to be a continual exploration AND expansion of our soul - that it is our spirit occupying our body, that is having a human experience with its sole (no pun intended) purpose being that of continual expression and expansion of its self!


I will always maintain confidentiality, and my clients' boundaries, as well as my OWN 

& sessions will always be a judgement-free zone

I’m a paragraph. Double click me or click Edit Text, it's easy.

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I will always admit to my limitations and advise clients up-front, of anything beyond my capabilities & skill set, & will make every attempt to refer you to someone more appropriate for your needs!



I will continually be researching & studying the new, innovative ways in which I can better serve my clients, AND ... will likely die with a book in my hand!

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