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  • tmthomson50

Don't believe every thought that passes through your mind!

We’ve all heard the common expression, that change begins at the end of our comfort zone however … we often misinterpret this to mean that we must do things that strike fear into the very heart of our nervous system … going beyond what it is actually capable of handling, instead of increasing our NS’s capacity.


It is far more important, AND appropriate to expand our comfort zone’s upper limits, instead of re-traumatizing it. When we re-traumatize our NS, it becomes even more blocked than before, making change more difficult, and our already existing blocks are made even worse (often subconsciously).


This is an important concept – just as we wouldn’t expect someone new to yoga to risk overstretching, or bodily injury by holding complicated poses for long periods of time, neither should we expect our nervous system to risk its safety, by “over-stretching” ITS capacity. Doing so, makes us recoil and sends us into overwhelm, helplessness, anger, and/or disassociation, and harmful coping behaviours.


That’s why we require tools/skills for being able to expand our comfort zone, in order for growth to occur – and awareness around where the edge of our comfort zone is, is the first tool that needs to go into the toolbox!


Once we know where the outer limit of our comfort zone is, we can use exercises like conscious EFT (and others that liberate our internal energy, or charge) to allow for it to be used in a way that serves us, rather than sending us into “lockdown”, and we’re then able to address the resistance found there:


·       What needs moved

·       What limiting beliefs we hold

·       What emotions need to be expressed, etc.


To begin with this powerful expansion that will allow for growth, let’s consider the wise words of Amoila Cesar’s wise words of Dr. Daniel Amen’s

“You don’t have to believe every stupid thing that goes through your mind” …

with reference to our OWN self-limiting beliefs!

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