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Four Pillars of Wellness


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(If I die with a book in my hand, I'll die a happy woman)

"Always walk through life as if you have something new to learn, and you will" 

Vernon Howard

We're either growing or we're NOT - to not grow is more than not be moving forward - it's going backwards.


Whether it's a book, a podcast, workshop, or conversation, ALWAYS learn from it. Even the so-called failures all have something that can be drawn out of them, to learn from! There's always an opportunity to learn from almost every circumstance in life, and you'll find it IF you're looking for it!


When we fail to learn, we fail to thrive

Commit to lifelong learning and ensure self-help doesn't become SHELF-Help


Make sure when you're done the book

that the book is IN YOU!

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Seize life for the opportunity that it is

Be courageous

Be Brave

Do it Scared

Speak up even if your voice trembles

(As a kid, I once dreamed of speaking on stages, while I talked only to my teddy bears ... NOW Look)


WE FIND WHAT WE LOOK FOR ... Always search for opportunities in everything

Don't die with your music still in you


And when you can't see opportunity


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Who said you can't stay active, stay active, move your body, fuel it for success, and do all the things that make you happy?







I've learned that the people telling ME that it couldn't be done, were lying - all because they simply never learned how themselves, & didn't want others finding out their secret - that they were just too  afraid to admit that they "didn't know"

It's not a secret anymore 

see for yourself!


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Empowered Energy

If you want to fall in L.O.V.E. with your life again, it begins with an AUDIT

And not the scary kind ... the GOOD KIND!

And the really great news is ...



We all need to take stock of where we're at NOW, to know how to move toward where we WANT to be!


Awareness leads to Aligned Action

Understanding leads to UN-Learning

Determination of values & character leads to Decisions made with real thought

Imagination leads to Integration 


Trust IN the process leads to Taking Inspired action

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