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A.E. (Edmonton, AB) ...

I want to express my gratitude to you for your workshop and for passing along your experience and knowledge about EFT... The past few days that I've been practicing, I've definitely had some skepticism around whether this would actually be beneficial for me lol.... until this morning... I was feeling extremely triggered by [...] earlier that morning and I was in tears. I had already tried to tell myself positive affirmations in my head, but it wasn't helping at all. As soon as I started tapping, I started feeling better and by the time I had finished a couple of rounds, along with the narration as you taught me, I had come down from a level 8+ intensity to a level 1. I didn't feel any more strong feelings after that, no more rumination, which is what I've struggled with so much....where has this been for the last 8 years?Anyways, I am a believer now. So there is my big long ramble (testimonial lol!) just to say thank you and you are doing amazing work!!!

Colour pic outside sitting on stool with Midgie in front & wearing Ckenzie's hat.jpg

More from others ...

“… thank you for your encouragement. It gives me what I need to continue” S.H.


“You have taught me about unconditional love, adventure no matter the size, perseverance with EVERY-thing, and to seek, and then look some more … I am so grateful for the moments we share” J.B.


“Thank you for your words of encouragement and support … I’m so grateful to be here on this journey with someone like you” K.S.

“You have given me more life and something to get excited about every day” M.F.

Because a picture really is worth a 1,000 words

I live in the country - have a labradoodle that I adore - am a crazy chicken lady - love to read, wear ALL the hats, and being outside - am a Grandma (called Granny "t") - am married to the love of my life (2nd marriage) - favorite colour is indigo blue ...

and you'll win me over EVERY time with a fabulous latte

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